Call for Videos

The CASE 2024 organizing committee encourages authors of accepted papers (of any type) to submit videos describing how their research work has been or can be applied in real life. These videos are an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the practical implications of your work beyond the academic context. Note that these videos should not be a mere presentation of your research but should feature real-life applications or original graphical representations of your approach. AI generated videos are strictly forbidden.

All application videos will be displayed on the Infovaya platform during the conference, and an award of $1,000 will be given for the best video, more detail can be found at the award page:

Application videos should be effectively and concisely highlight your research. Be aware that the longer your video is, the less likely it is to be watched and shared. Aim for 1-3 minutes and try to take the highest quality video that you can.

Please refer to the following instructions:

  • Duration: up to 300 seconds.
  • Size: up to 50 MB.
  • Format (only one of the following should be used): avi, mp4, mpeg, mpg, mov
  • Structure: The video must include at the beginning a video cover with the title, authors and affiliation and the credits at the end.
  • Accessibility and Language: Any speech or voice-over in your video should be in clear English. We also recommend the use of subtitles so that your video is maximally accessible. Audio is optional, but lack of audio should have minimal impact on the comprehension of the video.
  • Codecs: Do not use special codecs in order to provide as much portability across platforms as possible. Any variance from the suggested formatting may result in difficulties playing the file on different platforms and could be blocked.
  • Note: A video that does not play on a standard platform can be summarily rejected.

The video should not have any commercial pitch and the authors of each video must have clear copyright of the audio and visual content. The copyright should be released to the conference.

Authors of accepted papers can submit application videos along with the final version of their paper via PaperCept until June 30, 2024

Videos previously submitted with the initial paper submission should be resubmitted with the final version.

We look forward to receiving your engaging videos!

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