Press & Media Kit

Social media

Please remember that you can follow us on our LinkedIn and Instagram pages; this really helps us!

And remember, use the hashtag #IEEECASE2024

Logos and Guidelines

The CASE 2024 conference logo captures Bari’s rich history and maritime significance. At its core, it features a sail coming towards the Harbour of Bari, symbolizing Bari’s historical role as a cultural bridge between the West and the East.

The design’s simplicity offers a clean, modern aesthetic, with colors reflecting the sea. The sail silhouette moves gracefully against a sun rising from the East, representing the dawn of new knowledge and innovations.

The logo aims to represent Bari’s role as a physical and cultural meeting point, thus symbolizing the spirit of the conference as a convergence of diverse backgrounds, genders, ethnicities, religions, disability, age, national origin, sexual orientation, identities, or gender expression.

RAS Guidelines

CASE 2024 – Logo (PNG)

CASE 2024 – Logo white (PNG)

CASE 2024 – Logo square (PNG)

CASE 2024 – Bottom banner (PNG)


Palette: #00629B, #00B5E2, #57565B, #B3B3B3


Headlines: Montserrat Extra-Bold

Subheadlines: Montserrat Semi-Bold

Body text: Montserrat

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