Press Release & Review

About and Background Information

The 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2024) is one of the three flagship conferences of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, the largest international association of technicians, engineers, researchers, professors and students from numerous technological fields, which has more than 420,000 members in 150 nations. IEEE publications represent the majority of global engineering documentation and cover nearly every aspect of modern electronics and computing, with more than a thousand industry standards.

In particular, CASE is sponsored by an IEEE society, namely the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (IEEE RAS) of which CASE is one of the flagship conferences.

The conference theme is “Automation 5.0: automation everywhere for better and smarter living.” It will include tutorials, workshops, a technical program, and various social events. Topics covered will include automation, control theory, autonomous systems, discrete event systems, smart cities, robotics, building automation, intelligent mobility, information and communications technologies, and much more.



International Participants

A Press & Media Kit is available here, and below, you can find a press release in English and in Italian.

Media interested in covering CASE 2024 or seeking more information are welcome to contact us directly at

Press Release

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