WIE Lunch: Automation 5.0 and Engineering for Diversity and Inclusion
This event focuses on the role of Automation 5.0 in fostering diversity and inclusion in engineering. It features a panel discussion followed by round-table discussions and a buffet lunch, providing ample opportunities for networking and knowledge sharing.
There is NO CHARGE for this luncheon, however space is limited. Please REGISTER in advance using the form below.
No more spots are available, for inquiries please get in touch with graziana.cavone@uniroma3.it
Event type: Round tables with buffet (event and lunch are free of charge and funded by RAS WiE)
Date: August 30, 1pm – 2pm
- Graziana Cavone
- Hyun-Jung Kim
- Georgia Chalvatzaki
- Nadia Figueroa
- Nadia Figueroa
- Valeria Bonagura
Invited speakers:
Patrizia Lamberti
Associate Professor of Electrotechnics at University of Salerno, Italy / Chair of the Italian WIE Affinity Group
Patrizia Lamberti (SM’21) was born in 1974. She received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Information Engineering from the University of Salerno, in 2001 and 2006, respectively.
Since 2005, she has been Professor of Electrical Engineering (2005-2020 Assistant Professor, 2020-to-date Associate Professor) with the Department of Information and Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics (DIEM), University of Salerno, Italy. She joined the interdipartimental Research Center for Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (NanoMates) at the University of Salerno, acting as vice-dean, and the Italian inter-university Research Center for Interaction between Electromagnetic Fields and Biosystems (ICEmB), acting as scientific representative for the University of Salerno unit.
Since 2002, she has been involved in experimental and numerical research on device, materials and innovative composites for electrical engineering applications in several fields, with enphasis on robust design in presence of uncertainty. She has authored over 130 scientific publications in international journals and in proceedings of international conferences.
Prof. Lamberti is member of the “International Society for ElectroporationBased Technologies and Treatments“ (ISEBTT), taking part of its foundation in 2016, and of the European Aeronautic Science Network (EASN). She has been awarded of Best Paper Award in IEEE CAS2009 conference in 2009. She currently serves IEEE as chair of the IEEE Italy Women in Engineering Affinity Group and as vice-chair of Nanotechnology Council for Italy section.

Calogero Maria Oddo
Associate Professor of Industrial Bioengineering at University Sant’Anna of Pisa, Italy/ Head of the NEURO-ROBOTIC TOUCH LABORATORY, Chair for the University CUG – Guarantee Committee for Equal Opportunities, Employee Wellbeing and Non-Discrimination at Work
Calogero Maria Oddo has a Ph.D. in BioRobotics from Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (SSSA), Pisa, Italy, M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pisa, 1st and 2nd level degrees in Industrial and Information Engineering as a honors college student of SSSA (3% success rate), all with honors. He is Associate Professor of Bioengineering, he holds the national scientific qualification to be appointed as Full Professor, and he coordinates the Neuro-Robotic Touch Laboratory at The BioRobotics Institute of SSSA. He has over 80 international journal publications and several patents, and a track record in integrating biorobotics, neuroscience and industrial applications, with core of research interests in touch science and engineering. He has 4900+ citations and 32 h-index in Scopus and he serves as member of the editorial board of scientific journals such as Scientific Reports edited by Springer Nature and the International Journal of Robotics Research. He has a growing portfolio of successful research grants, with scientific responsibilities within EU and National projects and industrial contracts. In 2023 he received the Feltrinelli Prize for young investigators in bioengineering from the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
At Sant’Anna School, he is also involved in academic service activities as the vice-coordinator of the PhD in BioRobotics, one of the largest doctoral programs in robotics and bioengineering worldwide, with over 120 students. He is member of the Faculty board of the National PhD in Robotics and Intelligent Machines as well.
At Sant’Anna School, Calogero Oddo also serves as the President of the University Committee for Equal Opportunities, Well-being at Work and Against Discrimination. In this academic responsibility, he has recently been one of the promoters of the first interuniversity help desk against gender-based violence, in partnership with the University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore (www.ateneipisa.it).
Calogero Oddo is actively involved in relevant scientific societies. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a founding member of the National Bioengineering Group. From 2018 to 2020, he served as the vice-chair of the Italian chapter of the IEEE Sensors Council. Since 2021, he has been the vice-president for technical activities of the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Machines. He has contributed to the organization of numerous scientific conferences and meetings, holding positions such as general co-chair of the IEEE MetroInd4.0&IoT in 2020 and 2021, finance chair of the International Conference on Neurorehabilitation and the Wearable Robotics Symposium in 2018 and of the IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering in 2021, and as live demo co-chair of the IEEE Sensors Conference in 2022, 2023 and 2024. Since 2023 he has been invited by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei to join the Centro Interdisciplinare Linceo Giovani as a founding member, in which he has also been elected to serve as Vice-Director.